Hotel Accomadations
Days Inn & Suites has partnered with Columbus Cancer Care Foundation to make sure that cancer care is accessible to all patients by providing rooms for our patients. Patients that meet certain criteria will be provided with rooms free of charge while they are undergoing radiation treatment.
Criteria: Patients who live more than 40 miles from Columbus, Nebraska
Patients can contact Columbus Cancer Care 402-562-8666
or call the Days Inn at 402-564-1266 and ask to speak to Tim Criss or Lorrie Lusche.
Days Inn & Suites is located at:
1716 23rd St E
Columbus, NE 68601
Contact Person: Tim Criss or Lorrie Lusche
Phone: 1-402-564-1266
If you contact Days Inn directly please let them know that you are undergoing treatments at Columbus Cancer Care and they will verify you treatments and length of stay.